Knit Sunglasses Case

  • One skein Rowan Revive (should be enough for 3 cases)
  • Number 5 needles
  • 5/8" button
Gauge: 6 sts=1"
Finished size: 6-1/2"x3-3/8"

  1. Cast on 36 sts. Can adjust if wanting a different size. The basket weave pattern requires a multiple of 6 sts.
  2. Rows 1, 2, 3, 4: *k3, p3* repeat across.
  3. Rows 5, 6, 7, 8: *p3, k3* repeat across.
  4. Work 12 rows of pattern (Rows 1-8, then rows 1-4).
  5. Next: Pattern row 5: *p3, k3* to last 6 sts, then p1, yo, p2tog, k3. Button hole made.
  6. Continue in pattern until 6-1/2" from beginning (13 squares).
  7. BO, sew side seam and end seam. Fasten off. Sew button in place on the inside of the case.
Pattern courtesty of Threadbender Yarn Shop in Wyoming, MI.


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